Art On The Menu art in “Paper Art”.

Works from the The Cardboard Kitchen were featured in “Paper Art”, a two volume set published by Art Power.

Pages 52-56 include “Sushi In Color”, “Deli BLT With Mayo”, “Fruit Tart With Lemon Filling”, “Napolean Pastry”, “Mini Cupcakes On A Silver Tray”, and “Fancy Petits Fours On A Silver Tray”.  Pictured below: Cover, pages 52 – 53.

Paper Art

Paper Art









“Elle Girl” Korea Features Art On The Menu!

Well, it took me a year and six months to find a translator! Many thanks to Insook Weber for  providing the translation from Korean to English.

Interviewer : Areum Kim of Elle Girl KO.

” This artist specializes in art and food, in other words, art-food. She combines painting and sculpture, and most of all she likes making food out of cardboard.

Through her art, she recreates food and everything kitchen. Her cardboard work could be defined as eco-art, since all her materials are recyclable products  transformed into something new. These cardboard treats are so beautiful!

She finds ideas for her subjects in supermarkets, bakeries and restaurants. She also finds inspiration in the cardboard boxes themselves. She says she finds the materials, and they tell her what to create.

I asked her what  three things make her happy.

” That’s the easiest question in the world: art, cardboard and food”

And, what is her wildest dream:

“I would like to make a  4 course meal for 12, out of cardboard!”