The Colors Of Winter

I sat looking out my studio window watching the robins gobble the last remaining red berries from my yard, wondering why I placed a Peanut Blossom, such a sunny cookie,  in a decidedly cool background. But watching the last speck of red in my yard

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Peace In A Cookie?

While pondering my last post of the year, I decided to explore the "Peace" cookie. Oh, if only baking would make it so. But, what if we ALL made Peace cookies around holiday time? After a busy holiday season when we are all through with this: and

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An Artful Tradition

Look at this gorgeous Tree! Most of us have a seasonal decorating tradition, but let me introduce you to Danielle. She is not only an accomplished artist, but also a dedicated art collector. Since 2003 Danielle has been collecting art for her 12' Tree, and she spends

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Mock Salmon

We've had enough turkey talk, so lets talk salmon. This amazing fish has quite a place in history. Salmon lore crosses cultures from Native American to Druids, with the traditions of preparing this fish spanning from grilled to gravlax.  And of course, there is the

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Are Pumpkins Edible?

It's beloved, but not for eating.  Although it's delicious roasted; pureed; baked in bread and pastries or stuffed in ravioli; mostly it's a centerpiece.  And the final degradation is on Halloween, when it's carved and left to slowly sag as it rots away on porches around the country. 

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Why do I find oysters attractive as a subject. I have no doubt it is all the multi- hued layers of shell they build up throughout their lives. Layering is definitely a theme:  in the studio I layer paint; in 'The Cardboard Kitchen' I layer

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Mushroom Madness

My recipe this month had to include mushrooms as the star ingredient. We had a spectacular mushroom season in the PNW. Remember the Caterpillar's advice to Alice in "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland".  I concluded he was referring to the 'heightening' powers of all that flavor,

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